Compilation Of Election Fraud

Both PA and AZ and a few other states changed the laws of the election without the authority/permission of the state legislatures which violates the Electors Clause of the constitution. They allowed mail in ballots which didn't need signature verification. As far as I'm concerned that in itself makes those states null and void.


What if I told you that I had video evidence of fraud? Would you believe me then? This video shows that votes were being counted without the presence of the poll watchers and at that period of vote counting there was an unnatural increase in votes for Biden and virtually nothing for Trump. Video:


This is a list of dead people (over 10,000), in Michigan, who requested, signed and submitted a mail in ballot and you can check with the Michigan Voter Information Centre and to prove that they're dead you can check their public obituaries



This video does the checking for you:


Have you heard of Matt Braynard of the Voter Integrity Project? He has compiled evidence which was taken by the FBI but I highly doubt that the FBI is going to do anything about it since they're a bunch of bastards who sent 17 agents to investigate a noose but not Hunter Biden or legitimate evidence of voter fraud.


Maricopa Auditors Find ‘Significant Discrepancies’ Between Number of Ballots and Batch Reports in Each Box



Three serious issues have been found in the audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County, AZ.



New Evidence Reveals Georgia Audit Fraud and Massive Errors, Report Claims



The Maricopa Country audit found huge evidence of election fraud including but not limited to 3,981 registered and voted after deadline, 18k voted and removed from rolls post election and 74,243 mail-in ballots with no evidence of sending.



New report from the Maricopa Country audit found fraud evidence including but not limited to 17,322 duplicate ballots, 1,919 no signature ballots and 2,580 scribbles with a total variance of 9,589 from what Maricopa reported.


BREAKING: Voter GA Confirms Over 100,000 Ballots in Georgia 2020 Election Missing Valid Chain of Custody Documentation, Additionally Drop Box Videos Have Been Destroyed


Not to mention 1000+ sworn affidavits under perjury, poll watchers being barred from entering, poll watchers requiring to be a significant distance from the vote essentially not being able to see anything etc etc


It's very important to keep in mind that this evidence was only compiled by me, a stranger on the internet. Actual investigators have far more evidence.


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