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Regarding Mark 13:32

  But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. - Mark 13:32 How can Christ be God and also not know everything? This poses an issue for Christians since God is supposed to know everything and yet Christ does not know the time or the hour. How do Christians reconcile with this?  First Rebuttal: Christ does not know the hour in his human nature only but knows the time and hour in his divine nature There are a few issues with this argument. First of all, this argument posits that Christ has two sets of knowledge, which assumes that Christ is two persons. This is a heresy called Nestorianism which is condemned by both the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. However, even if this rebuttal came from a Protestant, they would need to explain how Christ being one unified person would have two sets of knowledge. Having two natures does not make it so that he would not know the time or the hour since the...

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